viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Post 10: English Language Challenges

 English Language Challenges

This is my finally blog of this subject (English IV), regrettably because for this teacher I have a good print of the English of this faculty. I think that the English is very important for the student, but is very difficult for me, for example, because the pronunciation and the writing are very complex.

Previously I had English III, in the faculty of architecture, and I don’t like this subject because use little bit the blog, that in this subject (English IV) I have this tool every class to exercise the writing in English. And I thing that this subject (English IV) has tool how listening, exercises in class about vocabulary, comprehension lector for learning English of the best form, and this is a good point that I enjoy. The aspect of English that I need be improved is the pronunciation, the vocabulary and the make sentences more long. For this my plan for I be better in English is for example, listen more music in English with your subtitles, other action for get better in English is watch movies and series in TV with subtitles too, and other form to learn English in an informal way is downloading any app that learn English.

And in the outside the English class, I think that I don’t use English, regrettably, because I don’t practice this idiom every day or with my family, I think  that practice English every day is very important  because is most easy after when you have a class or exam of this idiom.

Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

 Changes to my Study Programme

I believe that my study programme is very good, is different of other universities, because these careers use the nucleo I+D, it is a new form of professional practice for the student and it is very creative and challenging. My curriculum, the subjects that I have, this is very important and complicated for me, for example normative or social planning. But in general the subject of my career is about: social intervention, social planning, methodology of the investigation social, economy, statistics and public politic.

Social work has a length of studies of five years, ten semesters, and I think that the workload is very large and it is very difficult because is very disorganized for part of the docent, this is a point that I could be made to my study programme. Also I think that the faculty facilities, the buildings and infrastructure, is very poor, because this faculty, social faculty, has a lift that is very sensitive, for this reason it spoils, also in period of evaluation, the computer for the student is very few.

I think that for my career is very important, for the student and docent, the use of technology, because if you had a good use of this tool, you make a good presentation, investigation and articles, but I think that in my career is little worked this aspect and I think that is very important change this for made my study programme. The teaching methods I think that is so very cool because some docent use more the practice and video for the class.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8: Summer Vacations

Summer Vacations

I really like the summer vacations, it  is the occasion to I watch TV series and programs also anime all day, but in this vacation I clean my house all day too. Every year in my summer vacation, I always go to the beach, “Tabo beach” near “El Quisco”, because my grandmother has a house on the beach. I would really like to visit other cities for example Valdivia, Arica or Iquique. Also I would like to visit Rapa Nui or the Isla Juan Fernandez. And I would like to visit other countries for example Italy, Uruguay or Norway, because for me these places are very interesting and mysterious.

When I go to the beach, in general I go with my family, my mother, my dogs and my grandma. And then go my aunt and my cousin, or my other aunts. It is a big house for this reason it is great for a really big family. And the activity that I am thinking of doing is sleeping, watch series and movies (pirates), go to the beach, trekking and go to the “ferias artesanales”.

In this summer vacations I am planning to look for a job in the cinema or in the mall, and I really plan to study this summer but my relation with studies is very complicated, but this summer my objective is to study more because it is very important to study for my career.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Post 7: My favorite TV show

My favorite TV show

I really like watch TV, I watch TV since I was a child, I liked TV show how “Tom and Jerry” or “the fairly odd parents”, this TV show I really liked when I was a baby I stood still watching them. Now I like watch TV series, I can watch this series all day and all night. And I like stay in the sofa or the bed when I watch TV or series. I really don’t have one TV program favorite; I have much TV show favorites or series for example: Steven Universe, Dark, Stranger things, we bare bears and the Wonderful world of gumball. But now I talk about a Netflix series: Dark.
This series is about travels in the time, is really interesting, because the actors has a similar facial features, because the character of the series had a version in the past, present and future. The main character is Jonas and his father comment suicide, and then he meets his future self… well is very complex plot. I like all episodes because explain the complex plot, but I really like the finally episode because explain all plot and other details and leave an open end. 
Another series of cartoon network is we bare bear; this series is about three bear’s bothers that have a human lives and is really funny because had a peculiar form to live the life.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate Studies 

When I was a school student my mom always mentioned word how “magister” or “diplomat”, but in those years I really did know if I did could study for the PSU or if had the money to do. Fortunately I had “gratuidad” for pay my university and I get another scholarship for pay impressions and the lunch, for example.
I don’t know if I would consider taking a postgraduate course in the future, but is my dreams get more knowledge for me and for my studies, but now I don’t like this option because is final semester and I´m stressed.
Anyway I mentioned that is important to me get more knowledge for my studies, for this reason I would like a postgraduate course about “management and territorial planning” or another related with children and education. I would like study this subject in Chile and if I can in another country, for example Brazil or Uruguay, because in social work the best texts come from these counties in Latin America.
If I would consider taking a postgraduate course in the future, I would to study in person, definitely, but if I´m working, I don’t have the time for this course, for this is more practical study in blended system. Or in a part time course.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Post 5: My Future Job

My Future Job

I really don’t know about the future… and, I don’t know about things that I make me happy, but I like my mayor (social work) and I think that I can inside in the politic public and in the future of the people. For this reason I think that I would like be social worker that influence in social phenomena (for example: poverty, immigration, racism). And the kind of job that I would like is outdoors, in a vulnerable context (in the country or in another country), with communities in risk, especially with woman and children of this context (for example the phenomena of migrant in Mexico or in Unites States) because is the population most vulnerable. For this I would like travel a lot in my future job, but I think that I´m not prepare to travel to another region of countries, (and I really don’t imagine it) this is a contradiction that I affront in a future.
I would like be a good professional and I be prepare for anything problem, because in the social phenomena you had very difficulties for intervene.  For this is interesting study social work because is a major that is very problematic and I like the problematic situation. 

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Post: someone I would like to meet

Someone I would like to meet 

Well I really don’t know a person (famous or not) that I really would like to meet, but if I have to choose one person that I would like to meet is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This person is a feminist writer and novelist that writes about feminism, racism and immigration.
This person is from Nigeria (at present she lives here), but she went to United States when she was 19 years old to study in the university Drexel in Philadelphia. I don’t know how her personality is because I don’t know her, but in her discourses I see her sense of humor. And nowadays she gives workshops about creative writing.
I learned about this person in one speech that I saw on internet (in YouTube), that title is “the danger of a single story” and I enjoyed the message about this discourse, for me this message is about  not to believe every single story, because it is a social construction of a big corporation.

I really don’t know about her accomplishments, but on internet I found that in 2009 she won the national critics award, for her first essay “We Should All Be Feminist”. 

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

post 3: My Favorite Movie

My Favorite Movie

I really like the cine and the movies, I have very favorite movies, but I choose a movie for this blog… so for now my favorite movie is “now you see me”, this movie have a part two (“now you see me 2”), that it is very entertaining too and mysterious. This movie has actors such as Dave Franco, he is very handsome, or Mark Ruffalo that is hulk in the Avenger, and Morgan Freeman is in this movie, he is also a wonderful actor for me.

This movie is about four magicians that have a plan to steal banks and multimillionaires and this story takes places in “Las Vegas” or “New York city”. My favorite part is when they explain the plan of the theft and when they have the magic tricks that are impossible.

I like this movie because it is mysterious and enigmatic, because the reason of this theft is to contribute to all the people; this character is like “robin hood”. I think that the movie is perfect and funny, for this reason I think that it isn’t necessary to change anything in the movie.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

post 2: the best concert ever

Well… the only concert that I go is the “Coro Taktus”, this activity was a work of university, an observation of the subject social anthropology. This activity was held in “Centro Cultural de España” located near Salvador subway station. This concert was on September 5th, 2017; the last year; and for me this experience was curious, because I went to it as a homework, but I enjoyed this presentation and the music (that was only Latin-American), because it was recognized and happy music. The most curious thing was the people that went to the concert (a concert free), were a mix of people old and young.   

The persons of this presentation (girls and boys) has dresses of red (girls) and black (boys), and the director has a dresses totally black. And they in the stage present music of the countries how Cuba, Venezuela, and Argentina, for example... A song that the public love more is “En mejillones yo tuve un amor” that, for a petition of public, the artists sing again.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

post 1: a country I would like to visit

I would like to visit Italy in a future, because I want to know about its places, for example Venetia, Rome, Milan and Florence & Tuscany. These cities have an amazing building that contains a great history. I would visit the Roman Coliseum (a monument historic), the Grand Canal (of Venice) and the Tuscany; I like the old buildings very much for that reasons it is my dream to visit this country and in some years more I would like to go to work there some years later.
And (obviously) I would eat pasta, gelato and spaghetti; for these kilos more (that I will gain), I would like to go to all places to do the diet.  

Although I would like to visit the Easter Island (Rapa Nui) too, because it is a wonderful and magical place, I would go with my family and I would go to all incursions. 

Post 10: English Language Challenges

 English Language Challenges This is my finally blog of this subject (English IV) , regrettably because for this teacher I have a...