viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

post 3: My Favorite Movie

My Favorite Movie

I really like the cine and the movies, I have very favorite movies, but I choose a movie for this blog… so for now my favorite movie is “now you see me”, this movie have a part two (“now you see me 2”), that it is very entertaining too and mysterious. This movie has actors such as Dave Franco, he is very handsome, or Mark Ruffalo that is hulk in the Avenger, and Morgan Freeman is in this movie, he is also a wonderful actor for me.

This movie is about four magicians that have a plan to steal banks and multimillionaires and this story takes places in “Las Vegas” or “New York city”. My favorite part is when they explain the plan of the theft and when they have the magic tricks that are impossible.

I like this movie because it is mysterious and enigmatic, because the reason of this theft is to contribute to all the people; this character is like “robin hood”. I think that the movie is perfect and funny, for this reason I think that it isn’t necessary to change anything in the movie.

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